The 6 B2B e-commerce trends to follow in 2024

by | E-commerce, Trends

B2B online sales are currently experiencing strong growth thanks to the acceleration of the digitalisation of businesses and the evolution of purchasing behaviours. For industry players, it is therefore essential to follow market trends and adopt best practices to maintain their competitive advantage.
Discover the six essential trends in B2B e-commerce in 2024 to develop your turnover, open new sales channels and optimise the management of your business. Follow these tips to stay at the forefront of digital transformation and ensure your success in the world of e-commerce.

The rise of mobile commerce for professionals

Mobile commerce is constantly growing, and this trend will only intensify in 2024. More and more professionals are using their smartphones and tablets to make online purchases or simple product searches.

This is why it is essential for B2B companies to offer an optimised mobile experience for their professional customers, such as an e-commerce site optimised for mobile navigation or even a progressive web app.

By investing in user-friendly and easy-to-use mobile commerce solutions, you can make your customers loyal, attract new ones and increase your sales.

Personalisation of the customer experience

B2B consumers now expect a fully personalised shopping experience, similar to what they enjoy in B2C commerce. In 2024, personalisation of the customer experience will therefore be a key trend in B2B e-commerce.

By using segmentation and personalisation tools, you can offer your business customers product recommendations tailored to their needs or purchasing habits, targeted special offers and personalised communication.

This will improve customer satisfaction and increase your conversion rate.

Integrating social networks into the e-commerce strategy

Social networks play an increasingly important role in our daily purchasing processes, this is also true for professional purchases. It is therefore essential to make a real place for social networks in your B2B e-commerce strategy.

Use social platforms to promote your products, interact with your customers and collect relevant reviews.

You can also leverage direct shopping features on social media to ease the purchasing process and increase your sales.

The adoption of AI and automation

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are technologies that can revolutionise B2B e-commerce in 2024.

By using AI-powered chatbots, you can provide your customers with 24/7 customer service and answer their questions in real time.

Automation can also be used to optimise order management, logistics and invoicing processes, saving time and increasing operational efficiency.

The importance of ethics and sustainability

B2B consumers are increasingly sensitive to ethics and sustainability questions. It is essential for B2B companies to take these concerns into account in their e-commerce strategy.

By offering environmentally friendly products, adopting ethical business practices and communicating transparently about your commitments, you can attract customers who care about these values and strengthen your reputation.

Virtual and augmented reality for an immersive experience

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) offer exciting possibilities for B2B e-commerce in 2024.

By allowing your customers to view your products in 3D, virtually try them or integrate them into their professional environment, you can create an immersive and interactive purchasing experience.

This will increase customer engagement, reduce product return rates and increase sales.


By following these six B2B e-commerce trends, you can stay at the forefront of digital transformation and ensure the success of your business.

By investing in mobile commerce solutions, personalising the customer experience, integrating social media, adopting AI and automation, considering ethics and sustainability, and using virtual and augmented reality, you can develop your turnover, open new sales channels, optimise your management and manage your business on a daily basis.

Don’t miss these unmissable trends to increase your competitiveness in the world of online commerce.

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