
Our commitments to secure your data
Your data is valuable. Fully aware of the importance they have for your business, LUNDI MATIN is committed to protecting them. On a daily basis, we do everything we can on a technical, organizational and human level to ensure a maximum level of security.


LUNDI MATIN’s infrastructures are based on robust technologies, proven by years of development. LUNDI MATIN has chosen Linux to equip its servers and the PHP and MySQL languages to develop and operate its applications. Coming from free software, these technologies benefit from the experience of a very large community of users around the world. In order to protect the integrity of your data, our infrastructures are equipped with firewalls which isolate the servers from Internet and prevent intrusions. For greater fluidity, LUNDI MATIN also uses the virtualisation of its servers. This technique separates the hardware resources from the “physical” server and allows them to be shared between several distinct and virtual private servers (VPS).

Exchange security

To view your application, LUNDI MATIN allows you to use SSL / HTTPS security protocols (symbolised by the padlock in the address bar) which encrypt and make your information unreadable by a third party. Compatible with all browsers, these protocols increase the security level of your application.

Private policy

LUNDI MATIN does not distribute your personal data or that contained in LMB applications. Internally, our teams are aware of the protection of the confidentiality of customer data and LUNDI MATIN applies a very strict policy of access to your data, including to its technical teams. As a precaution and in order to avoid any abuse, all transactions relating to customer accounts are duly recorded.

The communication of your usernames and passwords is subject to rigorous control.

If you lose or forget your password, you must send us an email from the address provided when subscribing to our services. In addition, you will be asked to send us a copy of your identity card and Kbis. After verification, your old password will be deleted and the new one communicated by email.

Legal aspects

More than a moral commitment, at LUNDI MATIN the imperative of security and confidentiality of your data is first and foremost a contractual commitment. They are clearly mentioned in our general conditions of sale.

LUNDI MATIN is a company incorporated under French law which has no economic interest in the United States. It is not affected by the American law known as the “Patriot Act”, which allows American authorities to directly access the computer data of individuals and companies. We would like to point out that all our servers are located in France and are therefore not impacted by this law either.

27001 standard

Although LUNDI MATIN has never been hacked to date, we are aware of the new dangers that threaten network security every day. LUNDI MATIN wanted to have its infrastructures certified according to the ISO 27001 standard : this standard, currently being obtained, makes it possible to respond and effectively counter future virtual threats.

To combat payment fraud, LUNDI MATIN has also partnered with Secuvad to secure and guarantee its customers’ financial transactions.

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