How to build trust with the customer? Here are 10 essential elements of reassurance

by | Trends

To gain the trust of your future customers, you must understand and meet their expectations at each stage of the purchasing cycle.

When an Internet user visits your e-commerce site and browses your product pages, they may feel a certain apprehension about making a purchase, especially if they are not yet a customer of your company.

This is completely normal ! Online shopping brings its share of uncertainties, because customers cannot touch the products, speak to a physical person who would reassure them about the quality of your products and services, leave with their product directly after purchase, etc. So many fears and questions that slow down the act of purchasing. This is where the elements of reassurance come into play.

Elements of reassurance, what are we talking about?

The definition of a reassurance element in E-Commerce is very simple. This is information aimed at reassuring your future customers before its purchase.

In other words, this information aims to erase the concerns and doubts that a potential buyer might have by providing them elements that will allow them to have confidence in your company, your products or your services.

What are the benefits for your e-commerce site?

The objective pursued by the reassurance elements on your product pages and on your e-commerce is to allow the consumer to take the plunge of purchase. The information displayed is intended to reassure them about your reliability and the quality of your products or services.

But that’s not all. Reassurance elements also provide additional benefits for your e-commerce site and your brand image:

Improves customer experience: Reassurance elements help improve the overall customer experience on your e-commerce site by providing them with peace of mind.

Strengthens Brand: Using branding elements allows you to highlight your assets and stand out from the competition. This way you reinforce the reputation of your company and your products.

Customer loyalty: By showing that you value the user experience and satisfaction of your customers, you build loyalty and encourage them to make new purchases from your brand.

What are the good elements of reassurance?

There is a multitude of information that can reassure your potential customers, but here are the 10 essential elements to set up to enhance your product pages.

Quality visuals and a detailed description: High-quality images and videos showing your products from different angles help customers get a clear idea of what they are buying. A detailed description of your products reduces uncertainties: content, dimensions, compositions, characteristics, assembly instructions, technical diagram, etc. 

Customer reviews and testimonials: Displaying authentic customer reviews builds trust, even if they are not all positive. Detailed and honest testimonials tell customers’ real experiences with your products, which helps prospects plan ahead. The key elements here are authenticity and variety of reviews: don’t delete negative reviews, because a certain amount of negative reviews builds your credibility.

Ratings: Review systems allow customers to rate the product, usually in the form of stars or scores, giving a quick indication of the overall satisfaction of previous buyers. Encourage your customers to provide feedback after a purchase and make sure those reviews are visible.  

Simplified guarantees and returns: Highlighting the warranty period of your products or a simple and easy returns policy shows that you have confidence in the quality of the products you sell. This reduces the perceived risk for buyers because they know they can return their order if they are not satisfied. Make sure the details of these warranties are clear and easy to find on your product pages.

Payment Security: When customers shop online, they need to be confident that their financial information is safe. Feature secure payment method icons, SSL certifications, and security notices on your page. This builds trust by showing that you take data security seriously.

Social proof: Showing logos of brands or partners you collaborate with as well as media mentions if you have them, this will strengthen the credibility of your business. Potential customers are more likely to trust a business that has already been validated or featured by third parties. Likewise, allow your customers to leave photos of your products on their reviews.

Fast delivery and order tracking: Informing customers about delivery times and offering real-time tracking of their orders helps alleviate delivery concerns. Customers want to know when they will receive their order and how to track its journey. Delivery times, especially if they are not common to all products, must be visible from the product page to encourage purchase.

Responsive Customer Service: Highlighting responsive customer service communicates that you are there to help with any issues or questions. Communication channels, such as live chat, emails or phone numbers, should be easily accessible to customers.

Privacy and Data Security Policy: Show visitors that their personal data is safe by clearly displaying your privacy and data security policy. This builds trust by showing your commitment to protect customer information.

Labels and certifications: If your products have received quality labels or certifications, emphasise them. This adds credibility by showing that third-party organisations have evaluated and validated your products.

To sum up, what should I remember?

Reassurance elements are essential to build customer trust on your product pages and encourage conversions. They create an atmosphere of credibility, reduce uncertainties and reinforce the positive perception of your company. 

Here are the key points to remember about reassurance elements:

Understanding of the product 

Quality information and visuals help customers know if the product will be right for them, which increases conversions.

Increased credibility

Authentic customer reviews, ratings, labels, and social proof demonstrate that your product is reliable and quality. This reassures customers and encourages them to buy your products.

Reduction of perceived risks

Guarantees, easy returns policies and payment security reduce the perceived risk when purchasing online, which encourages customers to take action.

Positive customer experience

Fast delivery, tracking, availability of customer service and responsiveness show that you pay particular attention to the customer experience. This trust is one of the triggers for e-commerce sales.


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