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What does BtoC mean?

In professional language, the term BtoC (Business to Consumer) represents all the relationships that take place between a company and end consumers. Therefore, this type of transaction aims to sell products or services to the general public. Companies can have both a BtoC and BtoB commercial relationship.

Develop a BtoC marketing strategy

The BtoC commercial strategy is developed based on the product sold by the company and in relation to the typical profile of the company’s customer. The act of purchasing in BtoC is done spontaneously and is based on emotions. As a result, the messages conveyed must adapt to its characteristics.

The BtoC marketing strategy aims to reach as many consumers as possible. It must arouse consumer interest and stand out from the competition. Indeed, the customer will find out about the usefulness of the product, its advantages, its manufacturer, its manufacturing method, its quality and the opinions of other consumers before making their purchase.

To develop BtoC marketing, it is necessary to use all the marketing tools intended to raise consumer awareness and appeal to their emotions. The preferred channels are radio, television, press, billboards, social media, emails, website content and marketing, etc. in addition to all mass media with wide distribution.

Mass media in BtoC

TV: with segmentation by channel, by program and by time slot, television makes it possible to broadcast rather short promotional videos. This media is particularly used in the automotive, consumer goods and telephone operators sectors because their products are aimed at all individuals.

The written press: despite the decrease in its number of readers, the written press remains relevant in BtoC. This media offers precise targeting by center of interest and directly impacts the company’s core target.

Radio: this type of media is particularly interesting because it accompanies the company’s potential customers in audio format when they travel. In addition, the radio is integrated into all digital objects such as the car, the telephone, etc.

Cinema: this media makes it possible to target and offer more innovative and generally longer advertisements.

Display can be impactful thanks to visuals or innovative processes. It also allows you to target the prospect by geographical sector, it is a local media accessible 24/7.

The latest mass media to be included in the list of traditional media is the Web. It offers great possibilities thanks to marketing analysis tools and diversity of support.

Points to prioritize for a successful BtoC strategy

To succeed in its BtoC content strategy, the company must rely on different techniques:

  • The How To method: this method consists of providing a short guide to using the products or services offered by the brand in store or online. The guide must be precise and easy to understand in order to attract the attention of the target. Adding images or videos will increase consumer interest in the content.
  • Comparison: this point consists of facilitating the consumer’s comparison between similar products and services. To do this, you must provide as much information as possible about the products and services offered by the company. Its information must be accessible quickly and easily.
  • Insight: This point involves providing insight into the company’s business (e.g. the manufacturing process of a product, engagement with local partners). This method aims to increase consumer confidence in the company’s goods and services. Testimonials from previous customers can also be a lever to increase consumer confidence.
  • FAQ (frequently asked questions): this tool allows consumers to be reassured on the subjects that interest them concerning the good or service offered by the company.

E-reputation in BtoC

Consumer interest in a product or service varies depending on the price, brand and reputation of the company. Brands must place great importance on this last point, particularly in mass marketing because there is strong competition.

Social media marketing in BtoC

Social media marketing is the modern form of recommendation marketing. It consists of increasing the reputation and notoriety of a business on the internet. This strategy is based on the use of social networks and aims to increase customer reviews concerning the advantages of the products and services offered by the company. Information will therefore circulate and optimize the company’s brand image on the internet.

The website, a very important factor in BtoC

The website is the first showcase of a company. Many consumers begin their research online. It is essential to give it great importance. The website helps provide all the information that the consumer may be looking for. The website is also used to answer any questions a prospect might have. All of its actions will facilitate the purchasing decision process in favor of the company.

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