Merchants: 5 tips for optimising your product pages

by | Blog, E-commerce

When you set up an e-commerce site, one of the keys to success is to create attractive and comprehensive product pages. 

A product page is a detailed presentation of an item on your e-commerce site. It is designed to provide your customers with all the information they need about this product to help them make an informed purchasing decision. 

The product page acts as a virtual shop window for the item you are selling, providing an overview of its features, such as :

  • A description: features, functions, dimensions, advantages, etc.
  • Photos 
  • Price and availability
  • Customisation options: size, colour, capacities, etc.
  • Customer reviews 
  • Information on returns and refund policy 

In this article, we reveal our top 5 tips for optimising your product pages and maximising your sales.

Relevant keywords and content optimisation

Selecting keywords is a crucial first step in writing your product descriptions. It involves identifying the terms and expressions used by your customers and prospects when searching online. A relevant selection of keywords will improve the natural referencing of your pages.

By using specialist tools such as Google Keyword Planner or SEMrush, you can discover the relevant keywords for each product, including long-tail variants. 

This data then guides the writing of product descriptions, which need to be both compelling to buyers and optimised for SEO. 

The creation of attractive and informative descriptions, incorporating the right keywords, is therefore essential to capture customers’ attention and encourage them to take action.

product pages

Structuring and design of the product page

A well-designed product page provides an optimal user experience and encourages conversion. 

Once you have selected the relevant, detailed content for your product page, you need to prioritise it and make it readable.

A well-organised structure makes it easier for visitors to understand the content. Put the important information first and the less essential details second.

This also helps visitors to quickly browse through your content and find what they’re looking for.

Adding a visible call-to-action (CTA) button is also necessary to encourage visitors to make a purchase.

Technical optimisation of product pages

The technical optimisation of product pages is also of vital importance in ensuring a smooth and satisfactory user experience. 

First and foremost, the speed with which pages load has a direct influence on the bounce rate and customer satisfaction. You need to ensure that loading times are not too slow. To minimise this, you can reduce the size of images, group CSS and JavaScript files together to reduce the number of HTTP requests…

At the same time, taking account of the mobile format is becoming essential in view of the boom in visits and purchases on mobile devices. 

Finally, the judicious use of HTML tags, such as title tags, metadata and alt tags for images, helps to improve the natural referencing of your product pages. 

In short, the technical optimisation of product pages is an essential pillar of your e-commerce strategy, enabling you to reconcile technical performance with customer satisfaction.

product pages

Customer reviews and reputation management

Customer reviews play an essential role in building a relationship of trust between your brand and potential buyers. Indeed, the presence of positive reviews on your site strengthens its credibility by testifying to the satisfaction of previous customers. 

This valuable feedback not only answers buyers’ questions and concerns, but also dispels doubts and uncertainties, encouraging them to take the plunge and make a purchase in complete confidence. 

You can encourage your customers to share their opinions. One effective method is to send user-friendly follow-up emails after a purchase, with a direct link to the review page. You can also offer incentives, such as future discounts or competitions, to encourage customers to leave reviews.

Responding quickly and professionally to reviews, especially negative ones, shows your commitment to solving problems and improving the customer experience. 

Finally, judiciously integrating customer testimonials on your product pages boosts sales by providing convincing social proof.

Customer reviews are much more than just testimonials. They reflect the relationship of trust you build with your audience, and making the most of them helps to forge a positive image of your brand in the minds of consumers.

Measure performance and adapt content

Optimising your product page doesn’t stop with its design. You can then analyse the results and performance of your site. 

Among the metrics to monitor are the conversion rate, the bounce rate and the time spent on the page. For example, if the time spent on the page is short, this may mean that the content is not convincing.

Many tools are capable of analysing this data: Google Analytics, heatmap tools, internal monitoring tools…

product pages

With our Gezy e-commerce solution, putting product pages online is simple. The back office lets you create pages containing one or more descriptions, references, images, videos, translations, videos, variants, variations, characteristics, associated products, stocks, batch or serial numbers…


Optimising product pages is essential to the success of an e-commerce site. It’s not just about improving natural referencing or presenting products in an attractive way.

We invite you to download our white paper dedicated to product page optimisation to discover all our advice in detail, and much more besides.


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