The Offer Engine, an essential lever to increase the average basket

by | Corporate, Hospitality, Products, Retail, Trends

Facing a strong competition, it is essential for each brand to build loyalty and carry out effective marketing activities to attract customers and encourage them to make new purchases. To offer personalised commercial offers, before, during and after the act of purchase, it then becomes essential to use the CRM data collected.

“52% of customers expect offers to always be personalised”*

What is it about ?

A marketing campaign is a one-off and personalised promotional offer assigned to a sale based on established criteria (concerning the customer profile or the products purchased for example). Thus, effects are applied if previously defined conditions are respected.

To configure and manage these offers, we use a module generally called Offer Management Platform (OMP). It is sometimes found directly integrated into commercial management software and cash register applications. The objective is to define marketing campaigns personalised to the commercial activity of each business or restaurant, even if some of them are increasingly common (definition of a happy hour on a time slot, printing of vouchers rebound, product offered for a certain quantity purchased, etc.).

“Loyal customers have an average basket value up to 10 times higher than their first purchase”*

Encourage an increasement of the average basket, but not only

When the customer is confronted with a promotional offer of which he was not aware before checking out, this leads him to consider the brand positively and recommend it. In addition, being fans of unexpected promotional offers, customers are tempted to take advantage of new offers or exclusive prices. Here are the main objectives of a marketing event, in addition to encouraging an increase in the average basket:

  • Acquire footfall and improve traffic in the point of sale;
  • Optimise conversion;
  • Encourage impulse buying;
  • Boost sales during off-peak periods;
  • Promote a new product or service;
  • Promote customer loyalty;
  • Create commitment and inspire trust;
  • Collect data and analyse consumer behaviour.

Concretely, how to configure a marketing campaign?

To be operational, a marketing campaign must have conditions and effects configured if they are met.


A condition relates to the definition of a criterion. If it is respected, the customer will benefit from the commercial offer. The possible nature of the conditions is varied. They can concern customers, products, sales or temporality.


An effect corresponds to the application of a marketing campaign. It applies as soon as the condition(s) defined in advance are respected. The nature of the effects is varied. They may concern discounts, personalised messages (via the customer display at checkout), promotional codes or coupons, etc.

What LUNDI MATIN does for me

The RoverCash and AirKitchen cash register softwares allow you to freely imagine marketing campaigns which, configured according to your activity, will be able to convince your customers to come back, or to purchase additional items during their visit to your store.

Your sellers will then automatically apply promotional offers (sending coupons, awarding a promotion, free product, etc.) to customers based on pre-established conditions (customers belonging to a category, sales containing a particular item, transactions carried out at a certain time, etc.).

RoverCash and AirKitchen can also display predefined messages to the seller to assist them when putting together the basket or the sale (remember to ask for the customer’s email address, tell the customer that if they take a 2nd item the 3rd one will be offered, etc.).

To go further

How to increase its average basket?

In addition to the implementation of an offers engine, our partner PayPlug has created the ultimate guide which brings together best practices to ensure growth in the average basket. LUNDI MATIN had the pleasure to provide its expertise. It is available for free download here.

More information about the offers engine?

To find out more about LUNDI MATIN’s omnichannel offers engine, our advisors remain at your disposal.

Source “The ultimate guide to increasing your average basket” – Payplug


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