Administratives files

Administrative management

Optimise the creation of your own file masks and the monitoring of your administrative, commercial and technical files.



LM ERP has a fully customisable file management module that will adapt efficiently to your needs. Whether you need to track administrative, technical or commercial files, this module allows you to create your own file masks (adding or deleting different elements: tick boxes, drop-down lists, multiple choice lists, simple text fields or paragraphs allowing long answers, etc.).


Adding features such as auto-filling your files from your website, automatically sending requests for documents or standard emails, generating tailor-made PDFs is also possible, ask for more information at our customer service.
module dossiers administratifs

In short

The administrative files module is there to help you and simplify the management of all your files. The different features offered to you (automatic sending, PDF generation, standard emails, etc.) will save you time and allow you to allocate your resources to other essential tasks in your business.


bénéfices  dossiers administratifs
Picto Créer de l’engagement

Time saving

The module automates recurring administrative operations. All your employees will benefit from the effects of this module: administrative, sales, human resources, etc. More fluid exchanges and less risk of errors thanks to the automation of your internal processes.
Picto Gain de productivité et de temps

Unified brand identity

The module ensures that your company charter and brand identity are respected by all employees when communicating with customers.

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