module Agenda


Administrative management

Natively integrated into LM ERP, the collaborative agenda offers a host of advanced features to simplify organisation with your colleagues.


Events creation

The LUNDI MATIN agenda lets you create and share events with your colleagues. Centralising all your data in this tool, the collaborative diary helps you to promote teamwork by simplifying and encouraging exchanges.

Events management

Once an event has been created, you can manage the types of event and the status of each one as it progresses. When an event is scheduled, you can add attachments and invite your colleagues to take part.
module Agenda

In short

Our agenda has a wide range of features, combining efficiency and user-friendliness: event entry and typing, management of your employees’ rights, event validation management, event sharing and event searches.
Access your agenda from your smartphone or tablet, so you can add events and access your appointments anytime, anywhere.


Bénéfices modules Affranchigo
Picto Gain de productivité et de temps

View the tasks of your entire team

View your teams’ tasks and deadlines. The agenda helps you to ensure that tasks are properly allocated and enables you to manage your staff’s rights at any time and in any place.

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