pc portable CA Logistiques



Optimize your logistics management with the C.A Logistiques logistics connector


Flow transfer

The C.A Logistiques module sends your catalog and orders directly from your Lundi Matin software to C.A Logistiques. The module then sends reception and preparation orders in real time. Once the orders have been received at your logistics center, the connector retrieves the delivery notes and inserts them into your Lundi Matin software.

Inventory update

Stocks are permanently synchronized between your logistician (C.A Logistiques) and Lundi Matin. This feature enables you to consult your stock in real time and prevent any stock shortages. This improves your reactivity, and enables you to anticipate fluctuations in customer demand.
Logo CA Logistiques gris

In short

Are you looking for a solution to optimize your logistics? The C.A Logistiques module lets you automate and speed up repetitive operations such as catalog entry or transfer, or preparation orders.


Benefices CA Logistiques

Time saving

The C.A Logistiques module saves you time by automatically transferring information between the two software packages. The module adapts to the outsourced logistics of your business, and optimizes your time by automating the sending of information to the C.A Logistiques management back-office.
picto moins d'erreurs de saisie

Fewer input errors

The C.A Logistiques module eliminates the need for manual or semi-automatic recopying of delivery information. By letting the module take care of automatic data transfer, you’ll limit errors caused by human intervention. The C.A Logistiques module gives you the opportunity to improve your logistics management and guarantee a high level of customer satisfaction.

Coupled with the
e-commerce connector, an optimized process

Simplify your e-commerce management by combining it with the C.A Logistiques module. As soon as all order information is entered into your e-commerce site, it is transmitted to Lundi Matin, which sends a preparation and dispatch order to your logistics provider. Sent by the logistics connector to your e-commerce site, the shipment number can then be consulted by your customer on your site.


C.A Logistiques guarantees its customers performance, profitability and economic gains. The company works with high-performance, innovative tools: automated machines and processes, simplified IT systems and secure storage areas.
Logo CA Logistiques blanc

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