

Drop-shipping is a business model in which the product is sent directly from the supplier to your customer. You no longer need to store goods or manage order dispatch. Lundi Matin makes it easy for you to manage this new business.


Transfer and flow

Steps 1 and 2
Your customer places an order (online, in-store or with a sales representative).

Steps 3 and 4
You enter the order in LM ERP (if you have an e-commerce connector, this process is automated).

Steps 5 and 6
If the order can be drop-shipped, you can generate and e-mail the associated supplier order in just two clicks: this order includes the list of products and specifies the delivery address.

Steps 7 and 8
When your supplier informs you of the customer’s delivery, LM ERP generates and sends the invoice to your customer by e-mail.

Schéma dropshipping

En brief

When a customer order can be drop-shipped, LM ERP will generate the associated supplier order. This supplier order directly integrates the customer’s delivery address. When you send it to the supplier by e-mail, LM ERP automatically attaches the delivery note intended for the end customer. Batch processing is also possible.


bénéfices du dropshipping

Optimization of processing time

Drop-ship suppliers take care of most of the order processing, making it much easier to manage your business. The other part is facilitated by the use of the connector, which automates the order with the supplier.
Picto Fiabilité des données

Sell internationally

Drop-shipping will enable you to broaden your target and potentially sell to an international clientele. Not stocking merchandise means you can call on suppliers whose warehouses are scattered all over the world, and thus reach a wider target.

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