pc portable France Express

France Express


Benefit from a flexible and innovative transport solution


Interfacing with France Express

Once the order has been validated by the customer, the module communicates via internet with the France Express web service or its software and transfers customer information in order to facilitate the creation of transport labels.

Generating transport labels

After retrieving customer information from LM ERP, the France Express web service automatically generates the labels in PDF format: no entry is necessary since the customer’s contact details are already provided. The module includes the creation of 2,000 labels.
Logo France Express avec fond clair

In short

Automate the management of your shipping process and provide a positive shopping experience. The module France Express by LUNDI MATIN helps you accelerate your growth. LUNDI MATIN offers to automate your shipments by contacting France Express directly.
traçabilité-colis france express

Optimising parcel traceability

The use of the module allows the recovery of tracking numbers so that the tracking numbers are subsequently transferred to customers. Your customers will thus be able to know the precise situation of their shipments on the dedicated France Express site. For better parcel traceability, your customers can, if you wish, be informed by email of the status of their order.


Picto efficacité france express

Increases your efficiency

The France Express module improves your efficiency by automating the transfer of customer contact details. It allows you to automatically generate delivery labels and optimise your resources, which you can then reassign to other tasks.
picto moins d'erreurs de saisie

Fewer data entry errors

No more need to manually copy your customers’ information, this helps you limit errors due to human intervention. LM ERP checks the constraints imposed by France Express and alerts you if necessary.
optimisation traçabilité colis
processus optimisé france express

Coupled with the e-commerce connector, an optimised process

Make easier your e-commerce management by coupling it with the France Express module. As soon as it is entered into your e-commerce site, all your customer’s information is transmitted to LM ERP and automatically integrated into the carrier label. Returned by the France Express module to your site, the shipping number can then be consulted by your customer on your site.

About France Express

France Express meets all of your express needs with unrivaled specifications. This broad offer is your guarantee of controlling your transport flows and optimising your organisation.
logo france express fond blanc

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