Analysis and statistics

In-store traffic

Accurately track your stores’ KPIs. Analyze and compare your different results, so you can implement the actions that yielded the best results.


The module provides a range of functions that will enable you to analyze and implement actions based on the results you obtain. The Store Traffic module by LUNDI MATIN allows you to analyze your store’s footfall: seasonality, busy days, peak hours. These different indicators will enable you to adapt resources to the real needs you’ve identified using the module. It also enables you to evaluate the performance of your point of sale by calculating the conversion rate.


Plan your human resources

By analyzing the number of visitors to your point of sale, you can identify peak periods and plan the teams needed to meet customer requirements.

In brief

The in-store traffic module by LUNDI MATIN will enable you to upload to your Lundi Matin Back Office the traffic data collected via the counting solutions installed at the doors of your stores: counting by infra-red sensors, by camera or by wifi connection.

This will enable you to analyze and compare visit data and conversion rates for each store.

Measure the effects of advertising campaigns on your traffic

Once you’ve launched an advertising campaign, it’s important to be able to measure whether or not it has had a positive impact on your in-store traffic. The module helps you measure traffic, enabling you to compare the results of your various campaigns and make the most of each one.

Measure the impact of merchandising on your conversion rate

Merchandising changes can lead to a rise or fall in your conversion rate. As the conversion rate is the indicator that enables you to calculate the proportion of visitors who make a purchase in your store, it’s important to take account of any changes.

Challenge your team

With access to precise figures, you can now challenge your teams. With quantified objectives, you can boost your teams and your turnover.

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