How La Presse du Siècle went from fear of closure to €200,000 in annual turnover

La Presse du Siècle


Established in 2006 in the Lille region, La Presse du Siècle is a French artisanal shop specializing in the online sale of vintage newspapers, periodicals, and other personalized gift ideas.


Customer since 2009

The customer

Its founder, Olivier Baudewyn, began by selling on traditional commercial platforms such as Ebay and Priceminister. Very quickly, this activity expanded, and the company multiplied orders and customer satisfaction, which led it to create its own website in 2008. Today, its collection exceeds one million documents!

The challenge

The threat of closure

Since 2009, Olivier Baudewyn has been a client of Oxatis. At the time, he chose Oxatis to take a step forward in the growth of his business. For years, his business grew at a steady pace. He was satisfied.
Until a certain March 17, 2020. The Covid crisis completely disrupts his business. As gatherings are then prohibited, gifts become scarce. His turnover plummets. He loses 90% of his income while his expenses remain fixed.

I thought: I’m going to sink the company, it’s going to close. I had no more salary, and I’m a self-employed worker… Fortunately, I received government aid.

Olivier Baudewyn


The solution

Focus on SEO

Olivier needs to find a solution urgently as he is losing positions on many Google queries. He doesn’t need to look far because he trusts Oxatis, which has never let him down. The Oxatis team of experts conducts an audit of the site and provides a multitude of advice and recommendations to improve the website’s SEO. Every month, Olivier meets with his advisor. He asks questions, receives information about the evolution of his site, and learns what he needs to do.

Once alone, he works on his SEO. Every day, he fine-tunes his product sheets, changes his meta descriptions, and writes content. Tirelessly, he improves his site.

I was attentive, I was seeking advice from experts. I wanted to be told what to do and why. I have always had professional and competent advisors to help me develop my brand and my online store.

Olivier Baudewyn


The results

A Record Turnover

After two months of SEO optimization for, the results are already being felt. Orders are pouring in. Olivier spends more and more time packing his parcels, and less time worrying.
Between 2021 and 2022, his turnover takes off. The results are clear: +62% growth between the two years.
Even better, he has so many orders that he has to hire his wife part-time.

Today, Olivier wants to continue his expansion with Oxatis. The entrepreneur has decided to continue his optimization with a new focus in 2023: link building.

In 2022, I went from €110,000 in turnover to €175,000. After two and a half months in 2023, I’m already at €45,000, so it looks very good. The management of my catalog is pleasant and easy!

Olivier Baudewyn


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