Paella du Sud: creating your e-commerce site with Oxatis

Paella du Sud


Paella du Sud sells kitchen utensils and Spanish products such as paella kits, tortilla pans and churro machines.


Customer since 2009

The customer

Paella du Sud was founded by Mathieu Benoît, who decided to launch the online shop in 2009 for both B2B and B2C customers.

The challenge

For Paella du Sud, the aim of the e-commerce site was to :

  • Develop its online reputation
  • Target a relevant and qualified audience
  • Develop sales and turnover
  • Offer a quality service
  • Increase the average order basket

The solution

The customer naturally chose Oxatis, one of the LUNDI MATIN Group’s e-commerce solutions, which offers a wide range of functions:

  • An ergonomic mobile version of the e-commerce site
  • Intelligent catalogue management to attract and convert visitors
  • A personalised training programme to support sales development

As well as customised services:

  • The graphics studio to create a unique design that reflects the image of Paella du Sud
  • A team of traffic managers to draw up a paid search and SEO strategy to attract as many visitors as possible

The results

The implementation of an Oxatis e-commerce site has produced very clear results in figures:

  • 3% increase in the conversion rate of visitors into customers: this demonstrates the effectiveness of the conversion strategies implemented
  • + More than €13,000 in monthly sales: this solid financial performance confirms the company’s success in generating revenue through its online activity
  • ROI (Return on Investment) of around 10 on paid search campaigns: for every euro invested in advertising on Google Ads, the company generates almost 10 euros in sales, demonstrating the profitability and effectiveness of these advertising campaigns
  • An increase in sales of over 30% since the launch of the mobile version of the site: this significant growth in sales demonstrates the importance of having an optimised mobile presence to meet customers’ needs and seize sales opportunities on this channel

“To capitalise on the potential of mobile sales, we opted to personalise the mobile version. Here too, the results are impressive: 30% more sales!”

Mathieu Benoit

Managing Director

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