Find out how Pintxos adopted LUNDI MATIN solutions



With a total surface area of 750m2 and seating for 490 people, including 200 on the terrace, Pintxos has been shining since it opened in 2023.


Customer since

The context

When it opened, the ambition was clearly to stand out from the crowd with a strong concept based around a restaurant, a bar, a huge terrace and a stage.

The challenge

To meet customers’ expectations for fast access to a menu that’s up to date in real time, to streamline its service and also to secure its orders and receipts, the management of Pintxos is banking on the digital menu on a tablet.

The solution

The on-tablet menu offers a unique customer experience, perfectly in tune with the venue. The menu can be viewed more attractively thanks to :

  • Attractive photos of dishes and drinks,
  • Full descriptions and tags (vegan, organic, gluten-free, etc)
  • Intelligent dish recommendations during consultation
  • A multilingual menu (up to 25 languages)

The results

The implementation of the solution has led to an increase in turnover. The average ticket/coverage has been positively impacted, as has the time saved on room service.

“With the menus on the tablet, customers pay attention to the visuals of the dishes and drinks and to the entire menu, especially with the wide range on offer. The aim with this medium was also to increase the average ticket with a good presentation of more than 60 food and beverage references.
It’s an easy, fluid tool for updating the menu quickly, saving time in the dining room without having to explain each dish. Staff can modify the menu at any time and add descriptions easily”.

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