Criteria to choose an efficient ERP

by | ERP

The digitisation of businesses has become essential to remain competitive in the market. In this context, choosing an ERP adapted to your needs is a crucial step for the success of your digital transformation. But faced with the multitude of solutions available, how can you make the right choice? Here are the essential criteria to take into account when selecting a high-performance ERP.

Why implement an ERP?

Homogenisation of information

The ERP is the backbone of the company. It manages all the information about your activity and will help you have an overall vision of your activity. To do this, all the data is:

  • centralised: all company information is gathered in a single database. Allows quick and easy access to all data.
  • standardised: avoids reading or interpretation errors and facilitates exchanges.

Improve communication

The centralisation of data allows all services to access a single source of information, which facilitates exchanges between services.

ERPs help to decompartmentalise information flows by integrating data from the different departments of your company (sales, customer relations, sales admission, etc.). This encourages information sharing between departments, avoiding situations where a team is operating with incomplete or outdated information.

Boost your productivity with an ERP

Whatever the size of your company, SME, mid-sized company or large company, using an ERP helps you limit errors linked to the use of a multitude of software.

By using a single tool that standardises all your data, you eliminate errors of interpretation or double entry, and you ensure that your data is up to date. The information is shared and centralised, which saves considerable time for all your businesses and contributes to cost reduction.
Additionally, an ERP provides real-time visibility into financial and operational data, allowing businesses to respond quickly to market fluctuations. In summary, the use of an ERP helps create a more agile, efficient and competitive business environment.

Facilitate decision-making

By providing a centralised database and guaranteeing rapid access to reliable information, an ERP constitutes an essential tool for effective and informed decision-making within the company.

What criteria to choose your ERP?

Choosing an ERP is a crucial decision that impacts your entire business. Here are 9 essential criteria to consider when selecting an ERP.

Adaptation of the ERP to your needs

Make sure the ERP specifically meets the needs and specificities of your business. It must be able to adapt to your requirements and integrate all the elements you need (inventory management, invoicing, accounting, CRM, etc.)

Concretely, it is recommended to define your expectations and objectives before embarking on the search for an ERP. This involves determining the needs that the ERP must meet to determine the functionalities that will be essential to you.

Once this work is done, you will be able to frame your project and prioritise your needs. When making your choice, you will be able to choose an ERP that meets all of your critical needs as well as the majority of your important needs.

The size of your organisation

Whether you are an SME or a large company, your needs are not necessarily the same.

Generally, large companies have more complex needs and larger volumes of data to process.

A poorly sized solution can have a counterproductive effect. Indeed, if you opt for a solution intended for very large companies but your organisation is an SME or even an ETI, you risk finding yourself faced with complexity of use and flows which risks disrupting your processes.

Also take into account your industry. Some ERPs are specialised in certain sectors (e.g. construction), others on the contrary are more general and adapt to almost all sectors.

Agility and flexibility

The scalability of the ERP is crucial. Your business can grow and evolve, and your ERP needs to be able to keep up. Opt for a solution that can accommodate your business expansion without requiring a major overhaul.

A good ERP must be able to adapt to what you had not anticipated. The loss or arrival of a major customer, the launch of a new product, the development of your business. The reasons for developments can appear in a multitude of forms.

Ease of use and user adoption

User interface usability is a key factor in ensuring successful user adoption. Choose an ERP with an intuitive interface, user-friendly features, and effective training tools to ensure a smooth transition.

Users play a key role in the successful deployment of an ERP. To ensure good adoption of the software by your teams, you must ensure the ergonomics and ease of use of the tool. Although training is important, it must not become too complex. The tool itself must be quickly mastered by all the people who will have to work with on a daily basis.

Integration with internal systems

You probably spend your day switching from one tool to another, juggling between windows and different applications. Sustainable ERP software should be able to easily integrate with other systems and applications you use and make all information accessible with just a few clicks. This allows for a smooth flow of data and information between the different tools.

For the integration of a new ERP to go well, it must be able to communicate with the majority, if not all, of your tools such as your CRM, your cash register systems, etc. At LUNDI MATIN we have developed APIs and connectors for almost all the tools you may use.

Your network or Cloud

There are two solutions to host your ERP, either the hosting is done internally, or you opt for the ERP Cloud solution.

For hosting on your network, you will need to ensure that your infrastructure is calibrated for it.

And if you choose a Cloud ERP, we take care of hosting, maintenance, and data backup.

The entry cost with the Cloud is lower than if you choose internal hosting. In fact, you will not have to bear the costs for the evolution of the system.

Finally, a Cloud ERP allows you to work from wherever you want, all you need is an internet connection.

If you choose a Cloud ERP, make sure that your data is encrypted and that you retain ownership of it in the event of a dispute.

The cost

Obviously cost is a decisive criteria in your decision-making. It is therefore important to define your budget in advance. The goal of adopting an ERP is to solve problems and make your management easier, not to put you in a difficult situation.

You will therefore have to take into account all the costs incurred by your project. They can be distributed as follows:

  • the acquisition cost (may vary depending on the number of users)
  • the cost of integration
  • the cost of user training: this is often the position that is neglected, but poorly trained users can seriously harm the effectiveness of your new ERP
  • maintenance or update costs

Customer support

A problem can happen at any time, it is crucial to have responsive and competent customer support, especially during the implementation phase.

In this case, having access to quality technical support and consulting services, a ticketing service is essential. Also explore options for continuing education and regular updates to stay up to date with new features and best practices.

By considering these criteria, you will be better equipped to choose an ERP that not only meets your current needs, but also grows with your business in the long term.

Security and compliance

Data security is a top priority. The infrastructures of SaaS software publishers are extremely secure given the nature of the data stored there. Opting for an ERP Cloud solution ensures a high protection level.

With an internally hosted solution, securing your infrastructure will be your responsibility, as well as the costs that this may entail.

In conclusion, choosing a high-performance ERP is a strategic decision for your business. By taking into account these ten essential criteria, you will be able to select a solution adapted to your needs, which will help you improve your operational efficiency, optimise your internal processes and succeed in your digital transformation. Do not neglect this crucial step and make the informed choice that will allow you to propel your business towards success.

Whatever the size of your company or the nature of your project, we advise you to call on experts who can answer all your questions and guide you.


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