module trésorerie prévisionnelle

Cash flow forecast


Visualise your cash flow forecast using graphs and forecast tables


Cash flow consideration

In order to forecast the company’s cash flow, the commercial activity managed by LM ERP (customer invoices, supplier invoices) is automatically taken into account. The system will be able to analyse all the invoices paid on the one hand, and to be paid on the other.

Addition of external expenses and income to the recorded business activity

With this module, it is possible to add expenses and income that have not been taken into account by the commercial activity on LM ERP and thus improve the forecast provided. There are therefore three types of costs or income: recurring costs, exceptional costs and exceptional income.
tableaux tresorerie previsionnelle

In short

This module enables you to visualise the various elements of cash flow forecast. It provides a graphical model, as well as a table, of the company’s future expenditure and cash inflows over a desired period. To achieve this objective, the module groups together the various invoices and payments that fall due, as well as the expenses required to run the business, such as salaries and exceptional expenses or receipts. The module thus provides a forecast of the company’s future balance over the chosen period.


bénéfices module trésorerie prévisionnelle
Picto Gain de productivité et de temps

Waste no more time

Visualise and anticipate your company’s future. Simulate the different possible scenarios so that you are ready to make the right decisions, whatever your company’s fanancial situation.
Picto Fiabilité des données

Data reliability

Automating the data entry process reduces the risk of errors and increases data reliability.

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