Credit card payment via link


Simply email a payment request when sending a quote


Simply send a payment request by email when sending a quote, a purchase order, an invoice or even during the reminder phase. You can also enter your customer’s bank card information directly into your LM ERP application in order to pay, for example, for an order placed by telephone. The Payment by link module by Lundi Matin is a turnkey solution that is quick to set up.
en bref paiement cb

In short

Get paid by bank card remotely, the module generates the payment order from the back office and you can send the payment link via email.
If you have the B2B E-Commerce module or the Customer Area module, nothing is simpler for your customers than paying deposits and invoices directly online.


benefices paiement cb
picto cadenas

Payment security

The payment link is a secure method for managing transactions (payments and collections). In addition, it is a quick method since sending the link takes less than a minute and is done by email.

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