Payment facilities


Free of charge payment in 3 or 4 installments, offer it to your customers



When collecting, the customer has the payment in several instalments option when this corresponds to commercial policy (basket above a threshold, VIP customer, etc.). To validate a payment in several instalments, the customer must have a valid identity document.

Choose payment in instalments

Fully integrateed to LM Retail, the seller can finalize the transaction from their POS software. The customer receives a schedule with the precise amount of monthly payments and the withdrawal dates. He must then pay the first installment by credit card.


The customer can then take full advantage of its purchase before he finished paying it.
en bref facilités de paiement

In short

For pleasure purchases or unexpected expenses, offer your customers payment in installments. This allows you to increase your customers’ average basket and limit abandonment at checkout.
Payment in installments allows customers to spread their monthly payments over several months. Payment facilities are limited to 4 monthly payments and the entire amount must be paid within 90 days of purchase. The first monthly payment is paid on the day of purchase.


benefices facilités de paiement
picto achat

A solution that boosts your sales

Payment facilities are often an essential factor in triggering the act of purchase or additional sales. These Facilities allow customers to manage their expenses as they wish and encourage pleasure purchases.
picto paiement

A payment guarantee

Instalments payments solutions ensure 100% payment for merchants. With our partners, no worries about recovering deadlines, they take care of everything! Security for you, who are assured of payment.

About payment facilities

Paying in installments is not always free of charge:

  • It may be the responsibility of the customer
    The customer will have to pay additional costs if he chooses this option. The partner organisation offering this service must communicate all the information to customers and specify the total amount of the purchase (which includes the cash price + costs) before final validation.
  • Or at the expense of the merchant
    Here again the service is chargeable but it is the merchant who decides to cover the cost of the payment facility. This choice allows the merchant to offer the service to its customers with the aim of facilitating the purchasing decision or building loyalty.

Our partners

logo alma
Terminals maker
Payment solution provider in instalments guaranteeing receipt of payments
Logo Pledg
Terminals maker
Company offering deferred payment solutions and in instalments
Logo Floa
Terminals maker
FLOA’s split payment solutions allow brands to increase their sales

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