Relevé bancaire automatique

Automatic bank statement


For a quick and easy bank reconciliation


Connect your accounts

Monitor your cash flow forecast and control your financial situation in real time, thanks to the automated bank statement import module. Benefit effortlessly from a complete history and an advanced search engine to make the most of you bank statements.

Automatic bank reconciliation

LM ERP allows you to carry out the bank reconciliation between your bank statements and your commercial management operations. With the bank statement import module, you can automate your bank reconciliation and save a significant amount of time doing your accounting.
module relevé bancaire automatique

In short

Quickly and easily reconcile your bank statements with your business management transactions


bénéfices du relevé bancaire automatique
Picto Gain de productivité et de temps

Saving time

Automatic data recovery saves your precious time, which you can then reinject into other tasks. Time is saved on data entry, which is automated thanks to the connector, so bank statements can be used effectively to boost sales.
Picto Fiabilité des données

Data reliability

Automating the data entry process reduces the risk of errors and increases data reliability.

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