B2B e-commerce


Offer personalised access to your B2B customers.


A rich and customisable catalogue

Synchronise your catalogue between LM ERP and your specific B2B online shop. The interconnection allows you to display product availability or the date of arrival. The different elements of your catalogue will also be copied: technical sheets, sales sheets, images. All these elements can be used to highlight the right products and improve your sales management.

Commercial conditions management

The B2B e-commerce module enables specific management linked to the particularities of the B2B sector, in particular when it comes to setting up specific prices (personalised grids, quotations, quantitative prices). The connector also manages outstandings and advanced payment methods such as drafts and direct debits.

Customer relationship management

The B2B e-commerce module also retrieves commercial documents such as invoices, customer account statements and contact details for departments (accounting, sales, logistics, etc.).

In short

This module gives your customers personalised access to your product catalogue. From their private access, they can order online, access customised prices (quantity prices, product quotations, personalised discounts, promotional offers, etc.), quickly find out about product availability or restocking times. Incorporating dedicated management and control functions, the module checks your customers’ outstanding amounts, adapts the payment method and validates all orders accordingly.

Easy to set up from LM ERP, you or your staff can easily manage your customers’ individual access. Secure, the module guarantees the confidentiality of your data.

The B2B e-commerce module gives your customers access to their commercial documents without having to contact you. Invoices and quotations are just a click away, and they can track the status of their orders and deliveries.


Picto Gain de chiffre d’affaires

Turnover increasement

Your customers can access a personalised area with a catalogue and customised prices. They can place their orders completely independently. You’ll stand out from your competitors who don’t have a B2B e-commerce site, and win market share.
Picto Gain de productivité et de temps

Productivity and time savings

Creating an online shop connected to your LM ERP via the B2B e-commerce module will limit human intervention by your team, allowing you to concentrate more resources on high added-value tasks.

The module will also have a positive impact on your customers, who will be guaranteed to save time when using your online shop.

With just one click, they will be able to find their invoices, quotes and track the progress of their orders and deliveries.

Picto Fiabilité des données

Data reliability

The interconnection created by the connector means that every operation carried out in the ERP or CMS triggers an immediate update. Your data is always up to date!
Picto Amélioration de la satisfaction client

Customer satisfaction improvement

Your customers can access a personalised area with a catalogue and customised prices. They can place their orders completely independently. You’ll stand out from your competitors who don’t have a B2B e-commerce website, and win market share.
Picto Personnalisation de l’offre

Offer customisation

Your customers can access a personalised area with a catalogue and customised prices. They can place their orders completely independently. You’ll stand out from your competitors who don’t have a B2B e-commerce website, and win market share.

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Direct debits

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Automatic bank statement

Monitor your cash flow, automate your bank reconciliations and control your financial position
module Comptabilité

Cash flow forecast

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