

marketing & customer relations

A powerful and profitable customer loyalty tool


Transactional emails (included)

Transactional emails allow you to communicate with your customers by sending sales, purchase, stock and invoice reminder documents.
You can personalise your emails so that they reflect your corporate identity and display information about the transaction: date, amount, basket contents, payment method, estimated delivery date, parcel tracking number, etc.

Transactional emails have become an essential part of e-commerce transactions, and are currently being developed for the retail sector.

In fact, by 2023, the printing of till receipts, credit card slips and vouchers will no longer be systematic. By law, retailers will only have to print them on request.
With this in mind, opt now for cash register software with a digital transmission mode like LM Retail.

E-mailings and newsletters

You want to communicate regularly with all or part of your customer database to inform them of the latest product news or current promotional offers. Nothing could be easier with emailings and newsletters: create your message, select your customers and send your message.

Free Emails

You want to communicate with a customer in a personalised way, for example to resolve a dispute or for an “out of the ordinary” order. You can send emails directly from the customer file and keep a history of your exchanges.
en bref email

In short

Emailing is still the most effective way of optimising communication and prospecting for your various targets.

Loyalty marketing campaigns in the form of regular newsletters have a very high ROI and are one of the tools that boost brand appeal.
There are many advantages to emailing: it’s easy to use, inexpensive and allows you to send highly personalised messages.

What’s more, you can automate certain campaigns to save time and support your customers more effectively.


benefice emailing
Picto Gain de temps

Saving time and productivity

Information is the key to maintaining a long and profitable relationship with your customers. Automating the sending of your communications enables you to provide a superior level of service and stay in almost constant contact with your customers and prospects. The direct integration of these 3 tools with LM ERP gives you access to different targeting options (geographical, purchase history, type of customer, etc.) and the ability to configure automated mailings.
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Secure shipments and a guaranteed reputation

We use dedicated servers of recognised quality to ensure that your emails are delivered correctly, and to optimise the deliverability rate of your emails.
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Send a large number of targeted emails in just a few minutes

In just a few clicks, send informative, transactional or promotional messages to your company’s customers and prospects using the emailing tools available in LM ERP. The module’s uncluttered, intuitive interface makes it easy for you to send these messages, while providing you with precise, powerful targeting tools.
picto telephone

Optimise the way you manage your communications

Emailing by Lundi Matin lets you choose the service that best suits your needs. You are free to choose the subscription method that suits you best and can therefore control your communication costs from A to Z. Different e-mailing packs are available in the event of a temporary increase in activity, and expert functionalities are offered so that you can respond as precisely as possible to your customers’ expectations.
benefice email

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