module suivi Affranchigo

Tracked letter Affranchigo

Administrative Management

Benefit from the full power of business by La Poste solutions


Interfacing with Affranchigo Tracked Letter

Once the order has been validated by the customer, the by LUNDI MATIN module communicates with the affranchigo Tracked Letter web service to transfer customer information, which facilitates the automatic creation of transport labels.

Transport label generation

Once affranchigo tracked letter has retrieved the data, the web service generates the labels in PDF format. The module saves time because no data entry is required, as everything is transferred automatically. The customer’s details are already entered when the order is placed and are then incorporated into the label.

Optimising parcel traceability

The module recovers the tracking numbers so that they can then be transferred to customers. Your customers will then be able to find out the exact status of their shipments on the dedicated tracked letter affranchigo website. For even better parcel tracking, your customers can, if you wish, be informed by email of their order’s status.
module Affranchigo

In short

The module by LUNDI MATIN facilitates data transfer between your LUNDI MATIN softare and your carrier. In this way, you can take advantage of all the savoir-faire of La Poste in an automated and secure way.


Bénéfices modules Affranchigo
Picto Gain de productivité et de temps

Increases your efficiency

Increase your efficiency and your staff’s efficiency by using the Tracked Letter affranchigo module. The module automatically generates delivery labels (up to 2000 included in the module), hepling you to optimise your resources.
picto moins d'erreurs de saisie

Fewer data entry errors

No more manual copying of customer information allows you to limit errors due to human intervention. LM ERP checks the constraints imposed by the carrier and alerts you if necessary. The tarcked letter affranchigo module gives you the opportunity to improve the management of your deliveries and thus guarantee a high level of customer satisfaction.
picto Couplé au connecteur e-commerce, un process optimisé

Coupled with the e-commerce connector, an optimised process

Simplify the management of your e-commerce by combining it with the tracked letter affranchigo module. As soon as the information is entered into your e-commerce site, all your customer’s details are transmitted to LM ERP and automatically integrated into the tracked letter affranchigo label. Sent by the tracked letter affranchigo module to your site, the shipment number can then be consulted by your customer on your site.
Bénéfices modules Affranchigo

About La Poste Business

La Poste Business offers a range of services and expertise to businesses and local authorities. Various solutions are offered to facilitate mail management, parcel delivery and logistics, relationship marketing, etc. The Affranchigo solution lets you outsource the franking of your canvassing and/or customer relations mail.
Logo La Poste Solutions Business

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