Your NF525 certified solution

What is NF525?
By obtaining this certification, the LM Hospitality restaurant touchscreen cash register solution is perfectly approved and in conformity with the 2016 finance law which aims to fight against VAT fraud.

What does the law provide for the certification of cash register software?
What are the risks in the event of non-compliance with NF525 certification?
LM Hospitality NF525 certification – AirKitchen
The main commitments & NF certified services
Functional capacity
- Recording of collection data
- Period management
- Backup
- Data archiving
- Management of the traceability of events and changes
- Securing of collection data records
- Electronic signature of records
- Collection management data format
- Format for the return of collection data
- Traceability of changes to the product
- Traceability of modifications made to the collection data

How do I know if my cash register is NF525 certified?
Since 1 January 2018, failure to comply with this provision is liable to heavy penalties: a fine to be paid and tax penalties to be paid to the Treasury. To avoid falling foul of the law, make sure that your cash register meets the standards of “inalterability, security, conservation and archiving of data, with a view to control by the tax authorities”. Here are a few tips to help you do so!
Data traceability
Before the entry into force of the 2018 Finance Act, it was possible for some to circumvent the tax and VAT system with their cash registers. These so-called “permissive” cash registers allowed certain transactions to be erased or hidden in their official accounting point. This created a loss of revenue worth an average of 17 billion Euros for the State. On the other hand, NF525-certified cash registers track all deletions and reprints of receipts. They memorize cancellations of cashed tickets, date changes and even test prints.
The NF label
When you purchase a new cash register, the publisher must be able to provide you with a certificate of conformity. In this way, he undertakes to comply with the standards prescribed by law and releases you from any liability to the tax authorities. In the case of a certificate of conformity, you will see a blue and white sticker with the initials “NF”. Make regular updates to your software to avoid any disappointment.
However, a simple cash register certificate does not offer you such a guarantee. In this case, you should check that your cash register really does meet the standards required by law. Some cash register software systems are not free of faults and many false documents exist.
Points to check
To test the certification of your cash register, when you reprint a receipt, check that it is marked “duplicate”. The printed duplicate must have a unique number. Modifications of cashed tickets are not possible. Neither is the printing of an invoice that has no connection with a cashed ticket. The printing of a dummy invoice similar to the ticket and the printing of a ticket with a higher amount than the original ticket are not allowed on certified cash registers. In the event of an attempt to erase transactions, certified cash register systems can alert or detect virtual double counting. So, if your till complies with these best practice rules, you have nothing to worry about with regard to its certification.
NF525, LNE and self-certification
Only an accredited body can issue a certification. To have its product certified, a cash register software publisher must first submit it to the accredited body. The software is then subjected to a series of tests to assess its compliance. The name of the certification therefore depends on the accredited body chosen.
There are three such bodies, recognised by the French tax authorities: NF525 certification from the Association Française de Normalisation, LNE certification from the Laboratoire National de Métrologie et d’Essais and publisher certification, also known as self-certification.