Cash register software dedicated to the restaurant and catering industry

Optimize your stock management to never be caught unprepared again

With the LM Hospitality cash register software, you can easily manage your recipes whether they are prepared in advance or to order. Thus, your stocks will be calculated as accurately as possible to optimize your profitability.
Optimize your stock management to never be caught unprepared again

Pre-prepared meals

Do you serve dishes prepared in advance by your cook (boeuf bourguignon, lasagne, etc.)? Do you prepare your desserts (Tiramisu, tarts, etc.) before the start of the service?
The number of available portions is defined at the beginning of the service and you only need to enter it in the back-office of your cash register software so that the stock is decremented with each order. Your servers will be informed in real time of the number of units remaining and will not be able to place orders once the stock is exhausted.

Recipe management

Whether it’s for pre-prepared meals or for meals ordered, you can integrate in your LM Hospitality back-office the recipe of this one.

This has 2 important advantages:

  • When a new cook joins your team, he can easily access all the recipes served by your restaurant and the way they are prepared. In this way, your cooks will be able to adapt to your kitchen without changing the soul of your restaurant.
  • A recipe consists of several products in defined quantities. At each recipe execution, your stock is decremented by the products used to have a clear vision of what is still possible to achieve.

Management of unprocessed products

As a starter, you have a majority of unprocessed products: meat, fish, vegetables, starches, etc. Remember to update your stocks when you receive your goods so that you always know what you have available.
This way, when you prepare recipes, your stock will be updated in real time. You will have a clear view of the remaining products, the recipes that can still be made, but also of your stock at the end of the service.
This will allow you to better analyze your “leftovers” and to manage your purchases as accurately as possible to optimize your profitability.

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