E-Commerce connectors

Optimize the management of your e-commerce sites thanks to the many features of our connectors

Why use an e-commerce connector ?

An e-commerce connector is necessary to interconnect your online shops with LM ERP.

Opt for a simplified management of your activity, our e-commerce connectors allow you to manage all your e-commerce sites thanks to a single back-office. They allow you to interface with your CMS which allows you to save time and improve the reliability of the data thanks to the automated transfer of the data.

Connectors with many e-commerce CMS

Boost your business with the Oxatis connector and unified inventory and catalog management.


Connect your e-commerce site with PrestaShop for unified inventory and catalog management.


Logo magento - adobe commerce
Synchronize the information from your Magento website for unified inventory and catalog management.


The features

Catalog synchronization

The use of an e-commerce connector makes it possible to overcome the problems of data synchronization for companies with offline sales (sales team, sales outlets, etc.) and e-commerce sites. The connector is capable of synchronizing all or part of the catalog on several e-commerce sites, as you wish. The different connectors allow the copying of product files and the updating of prices and stocks.

Catalog synchronization module

Synchronization of
sales and orders

The e-commerce connector interconnects the data flows of offline collections and on the different websites.


Stock is instantly updated for both sales and orders,
while distinguishing sales by channel.

Benefits of use

Productivity gains
and time

Connecting your e-commerce site to LM ERP will limit time-consuming human intervention, allowing you to concentrate internal resources on high value-added tasks.

Gagnez du temps avec LM Business

Fiabilité des données

Data reliability

The interconnection between your e-commerce sites and LM ERP eliminates the many mistakes you make when re-entering data, so you can be more productive and efficient.

Picto Satisfaction client

Improving customer satisfaction

The synchronisation of data generated by using an e-commerce connector guarantees customer satisfaction thanks to the time it saves. This time saving means that deadlines can be respected, personalised communication can be created and targeted promotions can be launched.

Manage your stores and your Shopify site through a single back office using the Lundi Matin connector.
Manage your business through a single back office using the WooCommerce connector.
Picto cartouches e-commerce

E-commerce B2B

Make it easy for your customers to access a personalized catalog and pricing structure.

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