LM ERP, Commercial management software

Take control of your customer relations

Choose a modern and efficient approach to customer relations.
Take control of your customers relations

Manage your database

The customer files

LM ERP centralizes your contacts in a single directory : leads, prospects, customers, professional contacts, suppliers, collaborators, etc. You benefit from a powerful search engine :search by name, reverse directory, purchase history, geographical area, which allows you to extract targeted lists for your marketing operations.

The Customisable fields

Customisable fields allow you to feed and optimize your database. This means that you can customize your customer or supplier records according to your needs, particularly marketing, customer service, after-sales service, etc.

Promote teamwork

Collaborative agenda

Beyond the simple appointment booking, the collaborative agenda of the LM ERP suite allows you to share events between collaborators, to receive daily and weekly notifications by email of your appointments, reminders or tasks, to position appointments on the agendas of your collaborators and to supervise their activity.
Collaborative agenda
Task management

Task management

Dematerialise your task lists and those of your collaborators thanks to LM ERP. Our tool will allow you to simultaneously assign the same task to several collaborators, to a whole team or to a department. You will also be able to link your tasks to a contact, a commercial document, a file … and associate any type of document (word, excel, pdf, ppt, image, etc).

Communicate with your customers


Emails allow you to complete your marketing strategy by communicating directly with your customers. Depending on the LM ERP offer you select you get a certain number of emails included.

It is always possible to add an emailing module to your offer, allowing you to acquire additional emails.


LM ERP allows you to send to your customers different types of SMS : free, transactional and mailing sms. You benefit from a certain number of SMS included according to your offer and you can also add a sms module to get more sms.


The newsletter, in other words the recurrent sending of mass emails as part of a marketing campaign is possible with LM ERP. This functionality available from the “essential” version allows you to manage the registration and unsubscription of customers

Communication tools

Customization advanced

From the LM ERP Pro offer, the SMS and Emailing modules allow for advanced customisation of the tools.
You want to send an email or sms campaign to a very precise target ? You have the possibility to select different criteria (salesmen, type of customer, origin of the customer, loyalty program) or to segment according to the purchase history.

Advanced triggers

LM ERP allows you to activate advanced triggers that automate the sending of sms or emails. This feature allows you to save time by automating the sending of sales documents or alerts via email and the sending of delivery information and alerts via sms.

Email chains

Email chains or email sequences are used when you want to send a series of messages to your customers / prospects. This technique is particularly used for “Welcome Packs” or welcome programmes. Your customer will receive messages at regular intervals inviting them to discover additional features and/or products and services.

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