Boost your sales thanks to the marketing functions

LM ERP centralizes your customer and prospect information in a single back-office

Simplify your commercial management with LM ERP

How does the marketing brick work ?

The marketing brick is based on the collection of customer and prospect information to organize and exploit them in the best way. All customer and prospect interactions are centralized and accessible to employees. Whether it is the history of communications, quotes or purchases, everything is grouped together so that your employees can access it in real time. This information allows you to propose a personalized offer to each customer.


The LM ERP software is equipped with a directory function which will allow you to manage your customers, prospects, suppliers and collaborators. You will be able to categorize and organize your contacts according to generic criteria (customer / prospect / …) or personalized to adapt to your activity.

The LM ERP software will allow you to import or export contacts according to your needs ; the search function allows you to easily find your contacts.

Customer file

The contact sheet gathers all the interactions with your customer / prospect. You will thus find the name, the address, the history of exchanges and purchases, in order to have a global view of past interactions.
Customer file

Why use the LM ERP marketing brick ?


Improve customer loyalty thanks to marketing tools. Data collection allows you to offer the right product to the right customer at the right time. You can then take advantage of this information by converting it into real sales opportunities.
Our different loyalty modules allow you to create loyalty programmes according to your needs and expectations.

Database Qualification

Having a qualified database with up-to-date information is very important for your activity. The LM ERP software allows you to specify a lot of key information in the customer file : payment conditions, general and specific rates (quotations), specific fields etc. You thus have access to a customisation of the customer files which allows you to obtain the data you need according to your activity.

Marketing features

Marketing animations

If you want to create marketing animations to improve the customer experience, this is possible with the marketing animations module. Improve your average shopping basket by proposing offers in line with the customer data you have collected.

Fonctionnalités marketing : animations marketing

Advanced loyalty and omnichannel loyalty

Loyalty modules complement the CRM offering by unifying your business. Omnichannel loyalty allows you to offer the same loyalty programme across all your distribution channels. Advanced loyalty allows you to create the loyalty programme(s) you want according to your desires.

Fidélisez vos clients avec LM Business

Dissemination of marketing campaigns

Different tools allow you to diffuse your marketing campaigns. LM ERP offers you emailing and SMS as customer loyalty tools. Emailing will allow you to optimize the prospecting towards your different targets. Our emailing module allows you to send a large number of emails in a few minutes. SMS is also a very efficient tool with a very high opening rate. These tools bring real added value to your company, which can then communicate in real time with a personalized message for each customer.

Campagne marketing avec LM Business

LUNDI MATIN offers you different connectors to best suit your needs.

Select your marketing and customer relations module

Marketing & loyalty
module Marketing fidélité et relation client

Advanced Loyalty

Creatively envision marketing campaigns that align with your customer base.
Marketing & loyalty
module Marketing fidélité et relation client

Omnichannel Loyalty

Offer unified loyalty programs between brick-and-mortar stores and the online shop.
Marketing & loyalty
module Marketing fidélité et relation client


Communicate with your customers via email: newsletters, promotional offers, birthdays, etc.

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