Offer a wide choice of payment methods to your customers

Why use a “payment solution” connector ?
The functionalities of the payment solution connectors
Payment in N times
The payment facilities module allows you to reduce the disincentives to purchase when spending large amounts of money. Your customers will be more likely to be convinced if you offer them the possibility of paying in installments. This method encourages the sale of additional products.

Payment by link
Simplify payments with the “CB payment via link” module. When editing the invoice in LM ERP, you can send a payment link to your customer so that he can pay immediately.

Direct debit
The Direct Debit Module of LM ERP allows you to send your direct debit authorisation requests by email to your customers, to enter them in LM ERP, and to automatically generate the export files of your SEPA Core or SEPA B2B direct debits./p>

The main benefits of using payment connectors
Streamline the purchasing process
Boost your sales

Select your “payment solutions” connector or module
Lundi Matin offers different connectors to best suit your needs.